Massachusetts State Police Stress Seat Belt Safety

A recent editorial in the Wakefield Observer by Colonel Mark F. Delaney, superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police emphasized the importance of wearing a seat belt. It cited the fact that although research shows that seat belts can avert severe injuries or death in a car crash, about a third of Massachusetts drivers don’t buckle up.

Another trend cited is the fact that teenagers are less likely to comply with seat belt laws. In fact, the article states that compliance among teenagers fell by 10% this year.

In order to combat this troubling trend, the Massachusetts State Police local police departments enforced seat belt usage during their “Click It or Ticket” campaign this past fall. As part of the program, the state police added 464 extra patrols throughout the state, and when officers pulled over drivers, they checked to see that all of the vehicle’s occupants were wearing seat belts.

Tackling seat belt safety,, December 6, 2008
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