Chilling PSA Reminds Teens and Parents of the Dangers of Distracted Driving

We all know the dangers of texting and driving, but sometimes seeing the warning with our eyes has a bigger impact.

A PSA from 2014 resurfaced this week, making its rounds on social media and sending a chilling reminder to teens, parents and drivers everywhere of just how dangerous and deadly texting and driving can be.

Watch the video on YouTube here.

Distracted driving accidents account for nearly 20% of all motor vehicle collisions in the United States. In 2013 alone, 3,154 people were killed and approximately 424,000 were injured in crashes caused by distracted driving, reports. A person who is texting or using a phone while driving is about 23 times more likely to get into an accident than someone who is not distracted. 5 seconds is the average time a person’s eyes are taken off the road while texting, according to the United States Ad Council, and at 55mph, that’s the equivalent of driving the length of a football field. According to, individuals in their 20s make up 27% of drivers involved in distracted driving incidents; 10% of drivers involved in car accidents were under the age of 20; making this age group the largest proportion of drivers involved in distracted driving incidents.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has established a zero tolerance policy when it comes to texting and driving and does not permit the use of a smart phone for any purpose except for making a phone call. While individuals over 18 are allowed to talk on a cell phone while driving, all drivers, no matter what type of license they carry are banned from text messaging while operating a motor vehicle.

In addition to texting and driving, distracted driving incidents are often caused by drivers who are:

  • Eating or drinking
  • Talking to passengers
  • Daydreaming
  • Grooming
  • Reading maps or using a navigation system
  • Watching a video
  • Adjusting the radio

Many states across the country have legislated laws that ban texting and adopted graduated licensing systems to prevent and raise awareness of distracted driving, yet the best way to decrease distracted driving accidents is for drivers to avoid distractions altogether. Remember that distracted driving accidents are almost 100% preventable. If you’re a parent with teenagers, speak to them about the dangers of distracted driving, and set a good example while you’re driving by not answering or making phone calls, text messaging, or using your smart phone.

If you or a loved one was involved in a car accident as the result of another’s negligence and was injured, it is generally within your best interest to consult the advice of a seasoned legal professional to discuss your options for filing a personal injury claim. At the law offices of Altman & Altman, LLP, our dedicated Car Accident Attorneys have 50 years of experience handling all types of personal injury cases, and specialize in car accident claims. Call or email our office today to schedule a consultation with our team. Our lawyers are available around the clock to assist you, and all initial consultations are completely free and confidential. 


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