
Woman Passes Away Following Gloucester, MA Car Crash

An Ipswich woman has died after being involved in a two-car collision in Gloucester, MA on Saturday night, accord to Chief Leonard Campanello. Mary Lipman, 52, was transported from the scene of the accident to Addison Gilbert Hospital, where she was pronounced dead at 9:47 p.m.

Rebecca Jacques, 52 of Gloucester, was driving the vehicle that collided with Lipman’s. Jacques will be arraigned on Monday in Gloucester District Court facing charges of negligent operation of a motor vehicle, operating after suspension, and a marked lane violation, authorities said. Prosecutors say more charges may be forthcoming. State and local police are continuing to investigate the incident.

Witnesses have given a preliminary account of how the accident occurred. According to numerous people who observed the incident, Jacques’ pick-up truck crossed back-and-forth from the outbound and inbound lanes to Gloucester when it struck Limpan’s vehicle, which had swerved to avoid the erratic pickup.

Chief Campanello would not confirm that account, but acknowledged that the collision involved one vehicle crossing the center line and striking the other. The district attorney’s office is still trying to reconstruct the accident, and it will be issuing a more complete report, possibly on Monday, said Campanello.

One witness reported that Jacques’ pickup truck was driving erratically on Emerson Avenue earlier in the day.

The driver of Lipman’s vehicle, an off-duty state trooper, was injured in the crash.

Massachusetts Car Accident Lawsuits

Motor vehicle accidents happen with alarming frequency in the state of Massachusetts, sometimes with tragic consequences for those involved. In addition to the most unfortunate situation in which there is a fatality, physical injuries may include broken bones, bruises, whiplash, cuts, abrasions, and concussions. There can be psychological harm such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety. And accidents often involve financial strains like ambulance, hospital, physical therapy, and chiropractor bills, as well as employment problems like absenteeism, decreased productivity, and termination.

Our Massachusetts car accident attorneys here at Altman & Altman, LLP have been representing injury victims for over 40 years. If you have been injured in a car accident, please call us at 617-492-3000 or email us for a free case evaluation. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year, and charge nothing unless we recover for you.


Woman dies after Essex Avenue Crash, The Gloucester Times, December 17, 2012.

Motorist charged after fatal Gloucester Crash,, December 17, 2012.

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