
Smart Work Zones Helps Drivers Avoid Traffic

Traffic accidents can have a huge impact on heavily traveled highways like Interstate 93. In fact, when a driver lost control of his vehicle on September 30, the aftermath of that car crash shut down northbound lanes on I-93 during rush hour, forcing drivers onto local roads and significantly increasing their evening commute.

The traffic situation could get even worse, as drivers prepare for slowdowns and bottlenecks thanks to construction along I-93. That’s why transportation officials put together Smart Work Zones, which allows motorists to check traffic information online or on highway-side message boards. After viewing data on traffic flow, highway drivers can choose to use alternate routes and avoid traffic congestion.

At the very least, these signs should help drivers stay informed. When there are no traffic slowdowns, the message boards flash the anticipated travel time to the next exit. According to the Department of Transportation, the Smart Zone website attracts about 3,000 hits per day.

Technology helps commuters avoid traffic, New Hampshire Union Leader, October 13, 2008
Web Resource
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) & Technology, US Department of Transportation
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